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Bill Monning Running for Re-election in the State Senate

State Senator Bill Monning is running for re-election.  He made the announcement Tuesday in Monterey outside of Colton Hall where the California Constitution was signed.

He won the seat to represent District 17  in 2012.  He now serves as Senate Majority Leader.

During his speech, Monning talked about his accomplishments since being elected including the recently passed “End of Life Option Act,” and the establishment of the California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery on the former Fort Ord.

Monning had been mentioned as a possible candidate for the Congressional seat being vacated by Representative Sam Farr. It is a position he ran for when Farr was first elected in 1993. And Monning admits it was something he seriously considered this year.

“I have long thought representing this area in Congress would be the highest honor. But Washington isn’t what it was 22 years ago. Gridlock has overtaken Washington and my wife and I have prioritized being available and close to our children, grandchildren and extended family,” said Monning.

Monning added he believes he can do more as a leader in the State Senate than as a member of the minority party in Washington D.C.

“I know I can do more to address Climate Change in Sacramento in the next 4 years than I could in 20 years in Washington,” said Monning.

There are no other announced candidates for the seat.

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